union school
« De l'Excellence naît la Confiance »

Building confidence through excellence. Discover Union School's educational environment

union school école bilingue francais anglais maternelle

A word from the founder

Barbara de Baudry d’Asson

Union School founder

École bilingue Français | Anglais

Creating Union School, I aspired to gather all the requirements of an excellent bilingual education: to guarantee the acquisition of fundamental skills, of course, but also to ensure that each child blossoms in a caring environment; that each individual follows its intuitions and enjoys expressing its extraordinary potential day after day.

A child’s cognitive abilities and future skills are shaped largely during the kindergarten and primary school years. During this period learning abilities are multiplied, thanks to the incredible plasticity of the brain. Perception, attention, memory, motor skills, language and reasoning expand better, if they are adequately stimulated. Growing in a prolific, rewarding and dynamic environment is therefore a determining factor. For all the above reasons Union School combines the best of international systems, proven pedagogical methods and the latest advances in neuroscience.

The process leading to the development of Union School’s educational ecosystem has been exciting. Several years of fantastic collegial work and close collaboration with numerous specialists in education have allowed Union School to develop a novel holistic approach. This approach is defined by a combination of educational tools that have proven their effectiveness.

All complementary activities offered at Union School are associated with academic teaching and fully integrated into the curriculum. Activities range from inspiring personalities coming to meet the children each month to the practice of yoga or meditation; from singing, chess, drawing, coding or drama classes to the introduction to philosophy and weekly debates; from participatory class projects to cultural outings or green classes. All these activities are fully integrated into the curriculum. They are designed to broaden the children's horizons and constitute a propaedeutic that favours the integration of academic knowledge. Every Wednesday afternoon, our Academy further offers a selection of additional activities taught exclusively in English.

An outstanding bilingual education is not anecdotal. Whilst immersing the children in a multicultural environment open to the world, it also meets the need for mobility of many families. Allowing our pupils to follow both the Programme de l’Éducation Nationale and the English Curriculum, we ensure that your child can evolve in an Anglo-Saxon as much as in a French environment. He or she is thus able to enter either of the educational systems at any time, integrating the most outstanding establishments.

At Union School, a dozen native English and French teachers are fully dedicated to the success and well-being of our pupils. Passionate educators, who have proven themselves in renowned international schools, work under the guidance of Ian Tysoe, our Head Teacher. The nine years of education from nursery to year six, are characterized by excellence and benevolent kindness; values shared by our team.

Thanks to continuous vigilance, Union School ensures that the educational journey of our young pupils is a source of joy, enrichment and satisfaction. Our Board of Experts contributes to this dynamic. Present at every stage of the educational process, it provides continuous training for our teachers and accompanies parents and grandparents.

Together we work to build a school that values intelligence in all its forms, advocates plural excellence, and considers failure to be virtuous. A school that promotes team spirit and solidarity and that cultivates difference and creativity. A school that considers imagination a strength and encourages curiosity.

It is in this way, I am sure, that self-confidence is born, thanks to which everything is possible. Our greatest reward is to see your children enjoying to come to Union School and to learn every day. We long to give them a similar pleasure in learning as we experienced in creating Union School, for you, for them, and because we dreamed of it.

Barbara de Baudry d’Asson

Founder of Union School

maternelle union school paris ecole bilingue

Welcome !

Welcome to the Union School website. I hope that you will find the information contained in these pages helpful in your search for the right school for your child.

I believe that nothing is more important than finding a school at which your child will be safe, happy and well-educated. Of course, to be well-educated, firstly you must be educated well.


Ian Tysoe

union school école bilingue francais anglais maternelle

Welcome letter

Ian Tysoe

Executive Head

École bilingue Français | Anglais

Dear visitors,

We are in the heart of Paris and children are at the heart of our school. We are a newly established bilingual, French/English, Primary School in the 16e arrondissement offering the National Curriculum from the UK and the Programme de l’Education nationale based on 5 fundamental principles – Excellence, Confidence, Well-being, Charity & Team Spirit.

Our teachers are kind, caring and dedicated educators. Our children are nurtured in classes of 20 friends under the expert guidance of 2 teachers, native speakers of English and French.

After Yeats, “children are fires to be lit not pails to be filled”.

At Union School we educate the whole child, nurturing their interests and talents whilst fostering a love of learning. Each child has individual and differing needs. Our outstanding teachers are aware of and responsive to those needs, adapting their programmes and pedagogy accordingly. We believe that if a child doesn’t learn in the way that you teach, then you must teach in the way that they learn. We are fortunate, as a highly experienced teaching team, to work alongside world renowned pedagogical practitioners, our Board of Experts, who enable us to enhance and expand the children’s learning based on the latest scientific findings.

With homework completed at school and a plethora of ideas for educational family activities, after school and for weekends, we offer a wraparound service to enrich the children’s lives that also serves to make your life easier. On Wednesday afternoons, our Academy proposes an extensive variety of clubs and activities to broaden the children’s learning experiences, including support classes for those children wishing to improve their second language.

Caring for the planet and for others is a thread running through all our programmes in which the children learn civic and global responsibility, as well as ecological awareness.

We appoint our teachers based upon their experience and ability, but most importantly their character – kindness. We expect our teachers to go above and beyond, putting your children at the heart of all they do.

Ian Tysoe

Executive Head

Our values


These values nurture Union School’s daily life. They have shaped our pedagogical model, the tools we have put in place, and drive the decisions we make. 


They are our DNA.

« Human communities depend upon a diversityof talent not a singular conception of ability. And at the heart of the challenge is to reconstitute our sense of ability and intelligence »

Sir Ken Robinson

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Cultivating excellence at all levels

At an age when children absorb energy, emotions and knowledge with increased sensitivity, the quality of the school environment is crucial.


Benefiting from outstanding teaching allows each child to prepare for the challenges of the 21st century.


The ‘excellence’ cultivated at Union School is not limited to the acquisition of core competences. It encompasses language practice, the development of soft skills and the stimulation of creativity through a wide range of extracurricular activities. It is also decisive for the recruitment of our staff.


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Gaining confidence, in oneself and also in others

“Confidence is the driving force behind the desire to learn.”

Neurologist Stanislas Dehaene could not have summed up the importance of this fact any better.

A pillar of our pedagogy, ‘self-confidence’ is based on the confidence we give to our teachers. Offering a serene environment where children as much as teachers feel valued, listened to and safe is essential.

The French school system lags behind in the fostering of cross-disciplinary competences and attributes such as self- esteem.

Union School uses tools from the Anglo-Saxon educational systems to encourage and value children’s efforts. Whether through non-discriminatory self-assessment methods, personalized coaching, public speaking, regular participation in common projects within the classroom, or the collective celebration of successes, we are committed to ensuring that our students have the desire to learn and excel every day.

Our teaching values the ability to believe – without arrogance – in one’s abilities. Exploring, daring to ask, daring to do, making mistakes and starting over without ever being judged, but always encouraged, leads to greater autonomy, increased perseverance, well-being and enriched social relationships.

If your child gains confidence at Union School, we will have earned yours.

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Valuing kindness on a daily basis

Not always fully acknowledged, kindness has, however, as antonyms brutality, harshness, coarseness and nastiness. These are attitudes that have no room at Union School.


Our school promotes kindness at all levels. Kindness as in caring for oneself, as well as caring for each other; in the classroom and in everyday life.


Our teaching teams lead the way by integrating this value into the heart of their teaching.


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Developing team spirit

If one does not know how to recognize and value the skills of others, if one does not know how to delegate, motivate, organize and evolve within a group, if one is reluctant to rejoice in common victories, it is in vain to hope to achieve great things.


Successfully completing a project requires moving forward hand in hand. Your children are about to evolve in a professional world in which team spirit is essential. All of us, teaching staff, parents and grandparents, set an example.


This is why we are particularly careful to encourage team spirit in all its forms.


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Engaging with charitable causes

At Union School, we advocate mutual aid and cooperation.

To be a citizen of the world means giving of one’s time and energy by committing to concrete actions that show solidarity and eco-responsibility.

The satisfaction of getting the lines moving is a tremendous driving force. There is no age limit for getting involved. Our students are actively encouraged, through both small daily gestures as much as long-term projects, and parents are always invited to participate.

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Student life

« Welcoming our students, respecting their rythms, ensuring their physical and psychological balance, the well-being of your children is at the heart of our concerns. »


Union School

Discover the daily life of our students

Welcoming our pupils

Every morning the children are welcomed by our Head Teacher and their class teachers.


Integration into a new school is as delicate as it is important. All new pupils are accompanied by our staff and one of their classmates to make them feel at home in their new environment.


When necessary, newcomers are given specific support in English or French.


There are several breaks during the day for your children, supervised by our teachers. 


They take place in our two playgrounds, one of which is entirely dedicated to the little ones.


Indispensable to the physical and moral well-being of the child, playing a pivotal role in the incubation of learning, our youngest pupils will take their naps in specially equipped rooms.


Whether it is a question of creating social bonds, multiplying strategic capacities, apprehending spatiality, refining motor skills, or stimulating the imagination, the virtues of play are infinite. Game is hence an integral part of every school day at Union School.

Sport & body dynamics

Sport promotes coordination, personal challenge and team spirit : it is essential for the psychological and physical well-being of our children. 


The school has two large playgrounds with a total surface area of 200m2, as well as its own gymnasium, allowing children to practise sport in the best facilities.


It is well known that movement and postures affect mental well-being, which is why they are part of our pedagogy. 


You might find your children standing, sitting on the floor, or even lying down, depending on the type of activity in which they are engaged.

The vegetable garden

The school’s vegetable garden is not only a way to awaken eco-responsibility. Its maintenance is an opportunity to practise maths, to experiment with science, ton enrich one’s vocabulary and to develop one’s senses.

Homework and tutoring

All homework is done at school, under the supervision of our teachers. 


The same is true for the tutoring sessions offered to children who need to adapt quickly to the French school system, or those whose schooling will continue internationally and who will need to be able to pass the exams provided by the system they are joining. 


Union School provides each student with a uniform in the school’s colours. The uniform consists of a polo shirt, a t-shirt and a sweatshirt.

Bio rhythms

Peaks in attention, loss of concentration, resting time : we have drawn on the latest scientific advances to develop timetables that take into account children’s biological rythms.


Not forgetting posture, movement and breathing : simple and practical exercises that allow you to refocus when the need arises.

Lunches and snacks

union school école bilingue francais anglais maternelle cantine scolaire

At Union School meals are a privileged moment that bring together pupils and teachers. They encourage exchange and allow to solidify our ethical commitments. 


Offering high quality, balanced and varied meals is a guarantee of the physical and psychological well-being of the children. Raising awareness among the youngest about healthy and responsible eating is part of our principles at Union School. 

union school école bilingue francais anglais maternelle cantine scolaire

The choices we make regarding the origin and quality of our products have an impact on the entire system. Our meals are designed and prepared using local, ethical and organic sourcing.


We recycle and compost. We seek to reduce the impact of our food provisions through our policy of eliminating plastic materials in favour of natural and recyclable materials.

For the parents

We have thought things through carefully and planned support to make your life easier.


Union School

union school école bilingue francais anglais maternelle cantine scolaire

Homework is done at school

You will only be asked to practise reading with your child or to read them stories every evening : an essential moment of sharing.

When coming from abroad, new students may need some language support to help ease their transition. Sessions in either French or English are an integral part of the school day.

Making everything easy

Union School provides your child’s school supplies on their first day. Your children just need to turn up.



Each child is given a locker in which to store their belongings : no more bulky schoolbags.

Our curriculum includes a large variety of activities

This greatly simplifies the ‘registration puzzle’ at the beginning of the school year. 


Our Wednesday Academy also offers a wide range of activities, all taught in English.

Our Experts are here to help you

They have access to the very best specialists and will be able to advise you.

A 'what to do' programme for your family outings

Dynamic and creative, the Union School Team regularly offers you ideas for activities to do with your family, at the weekend and during the holidays.


These are designed to stimulate curiosity, to help explore new horizons and to work in harmony with the school programme. You can find them on our blog.


> Discover our blog


> Discover the Academy

Practical information

Union School is located in the 16th arrondissement of Paris.


The premises have been entirely thought out to reconcile practicality, safety and design.


Union School


Our premises are 1200m2 dedicated to your children.


The school has nine classrooms, two playgrounds, a gymnasium, a vegetable garden and a library which becomes a canteen at mealtimes. 

The premises have been entirely thought out to reconcile practicality, safety and design.

The furniture and the logistical management of the school’s daily life apply an eco-responsible policy : organic meals and snacks, recycled paper, selective sorting, policy of banning plastic. 

Our classes

Classes - nursery and primary

Union School welcomes children from 2 to 10 years old, from nursery up to year 6/CM2. 


Because peer learning stimulates empathy and learning in the youngest children, pupils in the pre-school/ reception years (petite and moyenne section) work together in the same class. 



180 pupils, divided into 9 classes of a maximum of 20 pupils each. All classes are taught by two dedicated teachers working in pairs for core subjects (literacy and maths). 


There are several ‘floating’ teachers. Each nursery class has a nursery assistant. Throughout the day all children are immersed in both English and French lessons, taught by native-speaking teachers.


Schedules & holidays

union school bureau école bilingue paris 16 excellence

Our educational days take place from Monday to Friday, from 8.30 am to 6 pm.

Children are welcomed each morning from 8.15am. Our doors close at 8.45am. The school is open until 6pm on Monday, Tuesday & Thursday; 1pm on Wednesday and 4pm on Friday.


End of school


Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays

Maternelle: TPS at 12:00; PS/MS at 5.15pm.

Primary: GS & CP at 5.40pm;  CE1 & CE2 at 5.50pm; CM1 & CM2 at 6pm.



Maternelle at 12:00

Primary: GS & CP at 12.40pm;  CE1 & CE2 at 12.50pm; CM1 & CM2 at 1pm.



Maternelle: TPS at 12:00; PS/MS at 3.30pm

Primary: GS & CP at 3.40pm;  CE1 & CE2 at 3.50pm; CM1 & CM2 at 4pm.


Except for Wednesdays, all our students can stay until 6pm if their parents wish. Activities are planned.


There is no school on Fridays before holiday periods.


We follow the school calendar of the Education nationale.


For the school year 2024/2025, our calendar is as follows:


* First day of school: 2 September 2024


* All Saints’ Day holidays: from Thursday 17 October at 6pm to Monday 4 November morning


* Christmas holidays: from Thursday 19 December at 6pm to Monday 6 January 2025 morning


* Winter holidays: from Thursday 13 February at 6pm to Monday 3 March morning


* Easter holidays: from Thursday 10 April at 6pm to Monday 28 April morning


* Thursday 1 May : bank holiday


         * End of Year: Thursday 26 June